Huawei has a new tablet, and it looks very similar to the iPad Pro. The Chinese tech giant unveiled the MatePad Pro in Shanghai on Monday. It’s the company’s latest flagship tablet that includes an Apple Pencil-esque stylus called the Huawei M-Pencil.
The device has a 10.8-inch display with a resolution of 2560x1600 pixels and a 90% screen-to-body ratio. It runs on the latest Kirin 990 chipset from Huawei’s HiSilicon. It also has two-way wireless charging.
Buyers can choose between models with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage or 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. Price also varies based on LTE connectivity. The Wi-Fi-only version with less memory and storage starts at 3,299 yuan (US$469) and the price goes up to 4,499 yuan (US$640) for more memory and LTE.
Pre-orders have already started in China, and the company says the tablet will be released on December 12. Huawei said a 5G version of the tablet will be launched in the first quarter of 2020.