Xiaomi is set to launch its first flagship phone of 2020 on Thursday, two days after Samsung unveiled its own. But the Chinese giant’s CEO already can’t wait to compare the upcoming Mi 10 to the freshly-revealed Galaxy S20 series.
Lei Jun said on microblogging site Weibo that every phone in the Mi 10 series will come with a 108-megapixel camera -- while only Samsung's pricest S20 model, the S20 Ultra, comes with such a high-resolution sensor. The Mi 10 won’t be the first Xiaomi phone sporting a 108-megapixel camera, though. That honor belongs to last year’s Mi Note 10, which we determined doesn’t necessarily produce better images than competitors.
Lei also noted that the Samsung Galaxy S20 is at least US$400 pricier than the preceding S10 because 5G chips are expensive. Xiaomi has already said that the Mi 10 will use the same Snapdragon 865 chip from Qualcomm as the S20. We’ll soon find out if that means the Mi 10 will also be more expensive than its predecessor.
Because of the coronavirus outbreak in China, Xiaomi canceled its offline launch event. The launch will instead be streamed online and broadcast on TV.