Avengers and Avatar back in Chinese cinemas for a post-coronavirus boost

Things were so bad for Chinese cinemas during Covid-19 lockdown that some sold popcorn online

25 Mar, 2020 6:28am EDT

With the worst of the coronavirus crisis subsiding in China, cinemas are taking action to replenish their hard-hit box office earnings by betting on old hits. All four of Marvel's Avengers movies are set to be re-released in the country along with James Cameron’s Avatar and Christopher Nolan films Inception and Interstellar, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

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Cinemas across China have been closed for two months during the Covid-19 pandemic, putting some in a dire situation. Some even resorted to selling discounted snacks online to compensate for some of the losses. Now they’re hoping well-known blockbusters will entice reluctant moviegoers recovering from coronavirus isolation. Last week, Warner Bros. announced that a 4K remaster of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is also headed to Chinese cinemas in 3D. Chinese hits like The Wandering Earth and Wolf Warrior 2 are returning to the big screen, too, with China’s Film Bureau introducing measures to boost the industry.

Forced cinema closures have also hit a number of studios that had major releases scheduled for release over the last several weeks. Movies like Sonic the Hedgehog and Little Women wound up without a release date in the country. Without better options, some local movies premiered on popular streaming platforms like Douyin, the local version of TikTok.

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